Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Join the Protest Against SOPA and PIPA

Due to the numerous blackouts today, this cause needs no introduction.  For those of you that have come across this blog post: consider this a reminder to let your elected officials know how you feel about these bills.  The internet has never and should never be regulated, regardless of the what the supposed intention may be.  While I am by no means advocating piracy, these bills are not the answer to the piracy issues that the entertainment industry faces today.  If you would like more information about SOPA and PIPA, please feel free to check the following informative websites:

Make sure to take the time to contact your elected officials and let your voice be heard.  Also, be sure to sign some petitions while you're at it.

Thank you for not supporting SOPA and PIPA.  Please stay tuned for a regularly scheduled blog post later this evening. 

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